Bill McCoy Obituary Find Details Here!

This article includes information on Bill McCoy (and William O. McCoy), the source of Bill McCoy Obituary,, and the reason for McCoy’s death.

The article refers to Bill McCoy. People from different places, including the United States get very few results when they search for Bill McCoy. Bill McCoy passed away on October 6, while William McCoy succumbed to cancer on December 29. William O also died on December 25. This article contains details about Bill McCoy Obituaryand William McCoy’s.

Who is William McCoy?”

McCoy, who was unexpectedly killed on December 29, 2022, died at home in La Porte. Maryann Bucher (Mccoy) and William W. Mccoy Sr. were the parents of McCoy. He was born in South Bend on February 10, 1970. He is often confused with Bill McCoy. People search with keyword Bill to find the latest death of William McCoy, who died on 29/12. He was a proud Air Force veteran and Army veteran who served his country with distinction. He was a passionate Notre Dame fan and a devoted father. Parents and friends will miss him deeply.

Lakeview Funeral Home & Crematory, LaPorte, Indiana, announced that William McCoy has died on Thursday, Dec 29, 2022. According to the funeral home, the service will be at First Church of God 2020 at 5:00 PM on January 4, 2023.

Details about William O. McCoy

After a prolonged illness, William O. McCoy (89) died peacefully on Christmas Day, December 25, 2022. His nearest relatives were at his side in Chapel Hill, At The Cedars. Sara, his wife, died December 18, on the 66th day of their marriage. At the time of his death, he was 89.

Mr. McCoy, an Institution of North Carolina at Chapel Hill alumnus, has had two successful professions. In 1955, he started his work in Charlotte, Southern Bell. In 1994, he left to start BellSouth Industries. It was an uncontrolled division of BellSouth Company. It was also the first business venture that followed AT&T deregulation.

Funeral services will take place at 1 pm on Saturday, January 14, at University United Methodist Church at 150 East Franklin Street. The church will then host a dinner. Old Chapel Hill Cemetery is Mr. McCoy’s final resting spot.

Biography William McCoy III

William (Bill) McCoy III passed away peacefully on Thursday, October 6, 20,22. His family was by his side. William McCoy Jr., and Donna Jean (Taylor), McCoy welcomed Bill to the world in Hartford, Connecticut on February 6, 1973.

Bill began his education as a Jehovah’s Witness through the help of his great grandmother, Mrs. Willie Lee McCoy. Since he loved to learn, Bill completed college courses including one in the culinary arts. His infectious smile, laughter, and extraordinary ability to make people smile will be greatly missed. His height is 6”2.

Additional Details from Mr. McCoy

BellSouth acquired cellular licenses in a number of countries under Mr. McCoy’s direction before the widespread use of mobile phones was possible. Although it was a risky move, it was profitable for the company. He also served as vice chairman of board, having been the parent company of BellSouth Companies, BellSouth Telecom and BellSouth Company. He was known for his unwavering moral values and meticulous attention. William O. Mccoy’s net worth was estimated to be at least $3 million.


McCoy, at 89 years old, died peacefully from a progressive disease. He was diagnosed with the illness in December 2022. You can also provide the details of two other legends who died recently. Sara died that day. You can find more information about Obituary online. Did you learn enough about Bill McCoy’s life? You can then share your thoughts with us in the comment box below.

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