Daniel Tibia Death Must Read Here!

We will share all the details about the Daniel Tibia Death Scene in the following article. Continue reading.

Are you familiar with Daniel Petry? Do you know about the Tibia murder case. Daniel, a 16-year-old Brazilian boy is charged with the murder of a 12-year old child.

Murder Story

Daniel was mentally ill, and had psychiatric issues. He killed Gabriel at 16 years old. Daniel enjoys playing online games. Gabriel was his online friend, and Daniel often played Tibia together.

Gabriel asked for $1.75 in-game currency and he confirmed that he would return it later. He didn’t return the money. Daniel then reached Gabriel’s home and beat him to death because he couldn’t return the money.

Scene from the Gabriel and Daniel Crime Scene

Daniel entered Gabriel’s home with criminal intent, but Gabriel refused to allow him in. Daniel then told Gabriel that he would like to apologize. Daniel broke into the house and locked the door. He then dragged Gabriel, 12, and assaulted him physically.

Gabriel threatens Daniel with telling the parents. Daniel wraps the Power cord wire around Daniel’s neck and beats him to death. To reduce the weight of the body, he also cut his legs.

Photographs of the Crime Scene of Daniel and Gabriel

You can view the murder photos on Tik Tok or the internet. Although there aren’t many photos of the crime scene to show, you can see Daniel, 16, smiling innocently. Pictures of Gabriel are also provided by the sources.

He was released from prison in 2010 and then disappeared. Sources confirm that he was released from jail and returned to Brazil following the completion of his sentence. The Daniel Petry Gabriel Kuhn case of murder was so horrendous that it would have been difficult for a teenager killing a close friend. What did you think about Daniel Petry’s Crimes? Comment below to share your thoughts on Daniel Tibia Death

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