Daveconan Scam Check What is Daveconan .com?

Looking for MEGANEWBYTES/Daveconan reviews to find out more? If so, then you’ve landed at the right page. Below is a review section that will help you see the truth. Just read this page to find out if Daveconan.com fraud or a trusted company.

Website Highlights

  • Domain name – Daveconan .com
  • Website title:MEGANEWBYTES
  • Domain Registration As Per WHOIS2022-09–08
  • Domain Register:Web Commerce Communications Limited. dba WebNic.cc
  • Email: support@daveconan .com
  • Contact number: Not available
  • Location, Company, Office, or Warehouse Address:
  • Product Categories available on its website: OUR PRODUCTS
  • Products on Its website: ransformer Folding Scooter with Remote Control, ELECTRIC JACK KIT, 20V Max LithuVM ION CORDLESS BO SET (32 TOOL), 360 Spinning Ride On Vehicle, Multifunctional 12 In 1 Tool Bag, Transformer 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter and Cordless Electric Chainsaw. Magical Christmas tree.
  • Delivery times as per its “Track My Order” page are5-12 working days

Social Media Presence:

There is no social media icon linking to its business-related social network page. Online stores that are legitimate usually provide icons for social media linked to their profiles, pages, and groups on social media. Daveconan may have no social media presence.

Promotional and Discount Offers

Daveconan has listed a number of products at unreasonably low prices. This is nearly impossible for legitimate shops to offer on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

Copied content:

Daveconan website has many details, including the website theme match with multiple fraud sites.

Customer Complaints: Delivery

Based on complaints from customers of similar online stores about the delivery time, customer service and after sales services, these online stores have been criticized.

Our Final Verdict:

According to the above mentioned reasons, Daveconan/MEGANEWBYTES can be confirmed as a scam website.

You can view the many suspicious sites in our “Suspicious Sites” category by clicking “HERE” or scroll through the “Scams” section by clicking “HERE”. Or, you can browse our homepage to view the numerous informative and interesting articles that fall under each category by clicking “HERE”.

Leave a review of this company. Feel free to share the review with your families and friends through your social media channels to spread awareness about this online shop.

There are many online stores that claim to be selling items at huge discounts. However, most of them are scams. You should avoid these new online stores and at least research them before you buy anything. The majority of these online stores either don’t deliver the ordered items to clients or send very poor quality items. Some fraudulent online stores have taken clients’ credit cards and charged them randomly without their consent. If you have ever bought from a scam site, we recommend you immediately contact your bank to get your credit card information.

NOTE: These websites are known to change their website’s name and whole content from time time. This review is based upon the information available on its website at the date aforementioned. If you find other information than what we provided on this review, it means that the online store has changed its details. But, it is still suspicious.

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