If you’re looking for the Ingramw critique, then you’re in the right spot. You were looking for Ingramw shop review to see if the Ingramw is real or fake.
If so, you have arrived at the right place. Ingramw shop reviews with 100% proof will be found in our section.
What does the Ingramw shop website look like?
Ingramw has an online shop that sells Ladies products, including a Long jackets, and other collections.
According to the whois, this website was three months old when it was registered. This site’s trust score is 66%.
Ingramw website information:
- Websitename: Ingramw
- Email: info@ingramw.shop
- Url: https://ingramw.shop/
- Contact address 235 Fake St. London. UK
- Contact number : +44 (0) 020 34473471
- Products Categories: For Ladies
- Types of Products: Long coat and other
- Methods of payment: All payment methods accepted
- Delivery: Standard logistics: 10-15 business days
- Return policy: We are open to accepting returns of products. Customers are entitled to return the product within 30 days of receipt.
These points will help to determine the legitimacy of the website. Let’s now look at some of the negative and positive aspects of this website.
Ingramw Reviews:
This website has a trust score 66%, out of 100. This raises trust concerns. The website has negative reviews on other websites.
This Website’s Advantages:
- Valid SSL Certificate, HTTPS available for consumers’ safety.
- It offers all applicable and valid policies to the customer.
Now that you have a better understanding of the site’s negative and positive aspects, let’s examine the points that prove or disprove it.
Points that prove that Ingramw is legit or a fraud
- Website Age: 2022, 09-14 three months old
- Trust Score of Websites: 66% from 100
- The legitimacy: 235 Fake St. London.
- Email ID Legitimacy: Info@ingramw.shop
FAQs about this online store.
Is Ingramw a fake website?
Yes, we found the website to be suspicious.
Ingramwshop might be a shady website. We don’t recommend this site for purchasing online.
Is the website legitimate?
The online store is not a legitimate website for internet prevention.
Find out more about How to Get a Refund If you have been scammed.
Ingramw –
Our manual review found that this website is suspicious. We don’t recommend visitors to make any purchases.