Through we will investigate the details of this website and determine whether the site is secure to use. Take a look and collect the needed details.
Are you a teacher in a school seeking a new method to instruct students? Are you aware of the basics of what Classroomscreen is? Have you heard of it before?
Due to the pandemic Covid-19, online meeting and teaching apps have become very popular. People from the United States are searching for a website that can facilitate active learning and teaching. What is Joincrs com? Does it serve the same reason? We will look into this in our next post.
What is
On clicking, it will redirect to with a page of logo and the name of Classroomscreen. The web page includes a field to input the correct code, and then click press the “go” button.
While searching for Classroomscreen through the web, we found out that it’s an interactive internet application created to promote participation by students and aid them with their classes.
What’s the function of the Classroomscreen? was created to facilitate active learning and teaching within the class. is designed to assist teachers who aren’t confident in the use of educational software.
As opposed to using blackboard or whiteboard, Classroomscreen will let teachers instruct in a more appealing method. The web-based application is interactive and has the tools available online, as well as widgets that assist in managing time and clearly define the expectations of students.
Technical information of the site
We have two different URLs, we’ll examine each one-by-one.
Https protocol has detected that the domain’s created date as 14th December 2020. That will be less than 2 years and the expiration date of the domain is the 14th of December in 2022, less than six more months. the name of the registrar is Tucows Domains Inc., and very little technical information is available about the owner of the. The website is rated with a trust index of sixty percent however, we’ve found no reviews on this website.
Trust index of 96% and the site is well-known and has an Global ranking of 58978. It also has a country rank of 19,221 and an overall score of 537.
The domain name on this website is not new, and its creation date is 27th February 2017. Additionally, the expiration date for the domain is February 27, 2023. The details of the domain’s registrar include email, contact information, and other details are exactly with
What do users have to comment on Joincrs the com?
As of now, we did not find any reviews about the site But, has many positive reviews on Google, YouTube, Facebook as well as the Appstore. Teachers will find this site to be an effective method of teaching the students more visually-oriented way.
Based on the discussion above and analyzing technical parameters we conclude that is a legitimate site that is secure to use. Additionally, is part of the same website that allows login and is also a legitimate site. To start and find out more information about Clasroomscreen Click here .