Pokemon Anniversary Event Research {July 2022} Know Game Zone

The latest information about the Pokemon Anniversary Event Research is the one you see above.

Are you looking forward to the 2022 Pokemon Go Anniversary event? The core of Pokemon Go’s anniversary event, 2022, is timed research. Six steps have been taken to unfold it in two stars which allows players to get exciting rewards Worldwide.

The Pokemon Anniversary Event Research is detailed in the following article.

The 50th anniversary of Pokemon Research

The Pokemon Go 2022 anniversary event is a great way for players to make their debuts and get the best out of Pokemon. As gifts, the players will receive the party hat charm Bender as well as the cake costume Pikachu after completing the initial two stages of the time-research process.

You can earn exciting gaming rewards by following six steps. One puffin and one Pikachu cake costume will be awarded for the first step.

Pokemon Go Anniversary Event Research round

You can accomplish this step by catching 15 Pokemon, making three throws, five throws using the ultra-ball, and catching a new variety of Pokemon. As mentioned, this step will reward you.

Next, play with your buddy. Take a photo of you and your buddy. Then, go adventuring with your Pokemon buddy. The PokemonGo Anniversary Event Research reward stage is now! This second step will reward you with a Charmander and Stardust encounter party hat.

The third step requires you to take a photograph of the Charmander, five photographs of your wild Pokemon and one snapshot of yourself. You also need to click a picture of your body, click a shot of normal Pokemon and click five other snapshots that show wildfire water, grass, or type different types of Pokemon. This step will result in 1 Unova Stone and a Pansear encounter.

The Pokemon Anniversary Event. Research

You will need to hatch an egg, spin five Pokemon or gym stops, walk for two kilometers, explore and earn a candy with your buddy, complete five research tasks, and battle in the gym once more. You will receive a premium battle pass after completing this step.

The fifth step is to send five gifts to End, transfer 15 Pokemon, send five gifts each Pokemon and add one sticker. If you win a level or higher, battle in two raids and receive 10 times the power of up-off Pokemon. After this step, you’ll be rewarded by a rocket radar, Snorlax encounter, and a rocket radar.

Final Verdict

The Pokemon Anniversary Event Research‘s sixth stage is all about having fun. Six rewards will be given to you after you complete the event.

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