You are looking for a review of Sitenoe’s online store? You can find the answer here. We tried to provide all the relevant information. Simply read our Sitenoe Review to see if is a scam, or a trusted company.
Sitenoe was deemed suspicious by the following facts.
Contact Information
Multiple scam sites and other problematic websites are using the company’s parent company, Bin Estrella GmbH. If you search Bin Estrella GmbH in our website, you will find a number of sites that are using the parent company. It has listed Bin Estrella GmbH as the parent company. However it may change the name or address of its parent company in future, since many other sites use similar names.
Security of website
It has provided the fake trust logos McAfee Norton and Norton. You can find its Product Details pages. Your personal and financial information (e.g credit card information) could be stolen if you shop on this website.
Offers and Discounts
It has listed many products (such Fairman Islands Vintage Contrast Floral Jacquard Short Sleeve Sweater. Vintage Geometric Jacquard Long Sleeve Long Sleeve Sweater for Women. Casual Plus Size. Vintage Crew Neck Ethnic Woven Contrast. Sweater. You can find them on sale for very low prices. Most scam sites offer such discounts to lure people into their scam.
Social Media Presence
There is no social media icon linking to the business’s related social media page. Legit online shops usually provide social media icons related to their social networks pages, groups, and profiles. However, the online store may not have a social presence.
Customer Complaints Delivery
Many other online stores have similar complaints about product quality and delivery time as well as customer support.
All the facts above are sufficient to say that we cannot recommend Sitenoe’s online store.
You can find many scam sites within our suspicious category. Also, scroll down within our Scams section to see a brief review. Or you can browse our website by clicking > HERE.
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NOTE: These websites are known to change their website’s name and whole content from time time. The information on the website was available at the time of the review. If you find other information than what we have given in our review, this means that the online shop has changed its details. But, it is still suspicious.