After the announcement of debt relief by the President Biden The Student Aid Website is down. Could it be because students are using the site in large numbers?
What caused the website’s fail? Following the announcement by President Biden announced $20,000 of student debt relief to recipients who received Pell Grants and $10,000 for other debtors on Wednesday the government’s official website for student aid crashed.
The decision of President Joe Biden to release the student loan debt of thousands in those in the United States seems to have made a lot of people extremely satisfied. Users trying to sign in to the site, have reported longer than 20 minutes wait times. This is why there is a Student Aid website is down because of the heavy internet traffic and a large crowd through the site.
Why Was The Website Down After the Announcement?
The program announced on Wednesday doesn’t offer the universal forgiveness of loans; however, those who make more than $125,000 a year aren’t eligible, and those who received Pell Grants will receive more of their debts forgiven as in comparison to those who didn’t. Because of its complexity that the plan is, a lot of people have been searching for ways to find out if they are eligible.
This is believed to not be acceptable for the government’s loan websites. After the announcement, not only is the government seeing increased traffic however, many of the visitors have difficulty accessing loan websites. In addition, since the the Student Aid website went down many students are now logging onto the site and asking a lot of questions.
What Precisely Is the Plan, and How Will It Operate?
The three-pronged plan is designed to assist middle- and working-class students who have federal student debt “transition back to regular payments” in the event that pandemic-related assistance through the US government is ended. “This concept involves debt forgiveness in excess of $20,000.” according to on a US official website.
The Biden administration will extend the temporary moratorium for student loan installment payments until the 31st of December 2022 and then the payments would begin again in January 2023. Students will be eager to learn more about the plan which resulted in the the Student Aid website unavailable.
Additional Information:
From noon on Wednesday reports from hundreds were being submitted for review by Down Detector, a service which tracks outages. The following day, a query from the site was addressed directly to the Department of Education, but they didn’t respond immediately.
The amount of debt relief only based on the borrower’s outstanding balance. In other words when a person is eligible for loan forgiveness of $20,000 but only owes $15,000 they’ll only get an amount of $15,000 relief.
In the early hours of Monday afternoon, Biden revealed the student debt plan, and claimed that he had fulfilled the “promise” that he made in his campaign. Then, shortly after this
Student Aid Website Down- The FAFSA Website Struggles:
More than 12 million students receive the sum of $150 million in financial aid via the FAFSA. The FAFSA was plagued with delays as well as interruptions due to the large amount of students trying to access FSA student loans.
In addition, there is a “waiting space” users have to go through before getting to the homepage. Some users have encountered another waiting room when trying to sign in to the site. Click here to find out the details about the relief of student loans –
The site for Student Aid was down recently. It’s a simple way to show how important the public has the assistance of the government. Therefore, the Student Aid website is shut down due to the above mentioned reasons.
These websites must manage volume of traffic due to the huge amount of users who plan to make use of their services. What do you think of this strategy? Let us know your thoughts.