What Happened to Baby Kate Readout Here!

Do you worry about what happened to Baby Kate? This article will explore Baby Kate’s disappearance and the theories that surround it.

What happened to Baby Kate?

In 2011, at just four months old, a child in Michigan went missing and was presumed to be dead. Her body was never found despite all efforts. Her father was found guilty of her disappearance five years after she disappeared and sent to prison.

Ariel Courtland had a child with Sean Phillips before Courtland got pregnant. Their relationship changed after the birth of their daughter. According to MLive Phillips urged Courtland for an abortion and, after Katherine was born, he pushed her to place the baby for adoption. Phillips refused paternity recognition, was angry when Courtland revealed the birth and did not want to be included on the insurance application for the child.

Courtland began to consider adoption. However, on June 29, 2011 Phillips abducted Katherine as they drove to a DNA testing appointment to confirm paternity. Courtland left her car briefly to get a stroller. When she returned, Phillips, the baby, and her phone were all gone. Courtland attempted to contact Phillips but he did not answer. The police eventually found Phillips but the baby was not with him.

Baby Kate 2023

True Crime Daily reported in December 2016 that Sean Phillips had been convicted of second degree murder. He was sentenced to 19-45 years in prison. However, it is still disputed if the crime was planned. Many people are still trying to find the body of the unidentified child. Phillips is hoping that he will provide some information that leads to its discovery.

CBS Detroit reported in July 2015 that police thought they found Baby Kate in a Massachusetts river. However, it was later determined that the body did not belong to the missing child. ABC reported that Courtland had expressed his desire to marry Phillips in 2012, despite Phillips’ conviction. It’s not known if the couple got married.

Baby Kate update

Ariel Courtland had a child with Sean Phillips before Courtland became pregnant. The birth of their second baby caused a lot of turmoil in the relationship. According to MLive Phillips tried to convince Courtland that she should have an abortion, and urged Courtland to place Katherine for adoption once she was born. He refused to acknowledge paternity, and became angry when Courtland revealed Katherine’s arrival. He did not want to be listed as the father on Katherine’s application for insurance.

Courtland had been considering adoption when Phillips took Katherine from her car on the way to a DNA testing appointment. Courtland stepped out briefly to grab a baby stroller. When she returned, Phillips had stolen the car, her phone, and the child. Phillips didn’t respond to a call from a friend, but the police found him later without the child.

During the trial, Phillips sent a letter to Courtland explaining what happened to Katherine. Jurors read the letter differently, some interpreting it as Phillips throwing the baby out of anger while others interpreting it as an accident. Katherine’s remains were never discovered.

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